Saturday, July 23, 2005

Onward...and upward...and acrossward

Originally uploaded by Kapooka Baby!.

Hi All, sorry for those staying tuned that I have been a little negligent, I spent like 2 hour just trying to figure out some trains one day on the itnernet and now I am done. My pcitures seem to be stuck not in cyberspace for the time being, so you´ll just have to imagine my journeys.

Not much in the mood for trying to describe all the places I´ve been since Porto, too much to say, but I´ll give a brief run down. Took a train from Porto to Santiago de Compastela up in Galicia in Spain...the city was pretty touristy but still nice, and the train ride was beautiful. Also a beautiful cathedral, and fun to see all the haggard pilgrims roaming their destination city. Then I was going to try and head north to some small beach towns across the northern coast, but between my oversleeping and Spanish trains running at about 20 miles per hour, I just ended up in La Coruna for a day in a half which was a kinda nice port city in tourist, nice to juts see a regular city.

Then I took the night train to Bilboa (whoever invented the night train set up is a moron, why would I want to sit in a tiny room with 6 other people, why not just have regular train seats so that there is a little circulation) and saw the guggenheim which was pretty neat...didn´t expect to like it so much, but it was stunning and there was one exhibit (Robert Serra for my arty friends) that was phenomenal. Can you believe it took about 13 hours to go about 350 miles...if I wasn´t so chicken, I would have just rented a car.

Then I hopped over to stay in San Sebastian for two nights ...this place feels like I imagine the french riveria to be, very classy and nice, teeming with people, but not touristy just a fun beach city. It is teeming wtih Aussies (went out with a few last night and did the tapas thing) which we all know I love aussies...except I always feel like they are the cool kids in class...haha! I´m staying in a fun hostel at The pic above is from San Sebastian...

Sorry that was the worst written blog entry in the history of the´s about 100 degrees in the internet cafe and I´ve got loads of work to do trying to find places to stay in Italy! Love to you all, I miss ya and thanks for coming to visit me!

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